The page has been marked as outdated. This generally means that the page was written for either a previous version of the package or a previous version of the underlying API(s).

Media Types

When making requests to the GitHub API, you can specify one or more media type via the Accept header. This can be used to either make the GitHub API respond in a specific format, or to enable certain preview/beta features that are otherwise not public.

Enable preview features

As an example, draft pull requests are currently in beta, so querying the GitHub API for pull requests of a given repository won't expose whether the PRs are in draft mode or not.

But by setting the Accept header to application/vnd.github.shadow-cat-preview+json, the API will now expose a draft property in the JSON for each pull request. The exact media type may be difficult to remember, so this package lets you use the GitHubMediaTypes.DraftPullRequestApiPreview constant instead of the raw string value.

You may specify more than one media type, so this can be done by setting the MediaType property with a list contaning the desired media types:

@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Constants
@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Options
@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Options.PullRequests
@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Options.Repositories
@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Responses.PullRequests
@inherits WebViewPage<Skybrud.Social.GitHub.GitHubService>


    // Initialize the options
    GitHubGetPullRequestsOptions options = new GitHubGetPullRequestsOptions("Umbraco", "OurUmbraco") {
        MediaTypes = new List<string> { GitHubMediaTypes.DraftPullRequestApiPreview },
        Sort = GitHubPullRequestSortField.Created,
        Direction = GitHubSortDirection.Descending,
        PerPage = 10

    // Make the request to the GitHub API
    GitHubGetPullRequestsResponse response = Model.PullRequests.GetPullRequests(options);


Alternatively you can use the AddMediaType extension method to add the media type after the options instance have been initialized:

@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Constants
@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Extensions
@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Options
@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Options.PullRequests
@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Options.Repositories
@using Skybrud.Social.GitHub.Responses.PullRequests
@inherits WebViewPage<Skybrud.Social.GitHub.GitHubService>


    // Initialize the options
    GitHubGetPullRequestsOptions options = new GitHubGetPullRequestsOptions("Umbraco", "OurUmbraco") {
        Sort = GitHubPullRequestSortField.Created,
        Direction = GitHubSortDirection.Descending,
        PerPage = 10

    // Add the "shadow cat" media type

    // Make the request to the GitHub API
    GitHubGetPullRequestsResponse response = Model.PullRequests.GetPullRequests(options);
