The page has been marked as outdated. This generally means that the page was written for either a previous version of the package or a previous version of the underlying API(s).

Getting all videos of a channel

The GetVideos method in the Channels endpoint lets you get a list of videos of a given channel:

// Get all videos of a channel
VimeoVideoListResponse response = service.Channels.GetVideos(991662);

In this example, 991662 is the ID of the channel for Umbraco's Codegarden 16 videos.

The list returned by the GetVideos is paginated, and by default, each page will contain up to 50 videos. The specify both a page and the amount of videos to be returned on each page, we can use a overload of the GetVideos method:

// Get all videos of a channel
VimeoVideoListResponse response = service.Channels.GetVideos(991662, 1, 10);

This will request the first page (page 1) and have a maximum of 10 videos per page.


Full example

To summarize the examples above, here is a more complete example with imports and everything you need to implement this in a Razor view:

@using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
@using Skybrud.Social.Vimeo.Advanced
@using Skybrud.Social.Vimeo.Advanced.Responses

@inherits WebViewPage<VimeoService>

    // Get all videos of a channel
    VimeoVideoListResponse response = service.Channels.GetVideos(991662, 1, 10);


    foreach (var video in response.Videos) {
        <hr />

        <pre>Id: @video.Id</pre>
        <pre>IsHd: @video.IsHd</pre>
        <pre>IsTranscoding: @video.IsTranscoding</pre>
        <pre>License: @video.License</pre>
        <pre>Privacy: @video.Privacy</pre>
        <pre>Title: @video.Title</pre>
        <pre>Description: @video.Description</pre>
        <pre>UploadDate: @video.UploadDate</pre>
        <pre>ModifiedDate: @video.ModifiedDate</pre>
        <pre>Width: @video.Width</pre>
        <pre>Height: @video.Height</pre>
        <pre>Duration: @video.Duration</pre>
        <pre>Owner: @video.Owner</pre>
        <pre>Cast: @video.Cast</pre>
        <pre>Urls: @video.Urls</pre>
        <pre>Thumbnails: @video.Thumbnails</pre>
