Content App

The package features a content app, which by default is added to all content and media types, but not element types. If you wish to change the behavior of the content app, you can do so either appsettings.json or via your own code in C#.

App Settings

The Skybrud:Redirects section defines the overall settings for the redirects package, and the ContentApp sub section features various settings for the content app. Eg. as shown here:

  "Skybrud": {
    "Redirects": {
      "ContentApp": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Show": [


The content app is enabled by default. To disable it, set the Enabled property to false.


If you still wish to show the content app, but instead show or hide it for specific content or media types, you can do so via the Show property. The value should be an array of string values - eg. -media/* to disable the content app for all media types, or -content/site to disable the content app for the content type with the alias site.

More specific rules take precedence, so even though -media/* hides the content app for all media types, +media/Image will show it for images specifically.

Via C#

In C#, the content app is controlled by the package's RedirectsBackOfficeHelper service class and it's GetContentAppFor method. The default implementation reads from the settings in the appsettings.json file.

If you wish to change the default behavior, you can add your own backoffice helper class and override the default implementation for the GetContentAppFor method:

public override ContentApp? GetContentAppFor(object source, IEnumerable<IReadOnlyUserGroup> userGroups) {

    switch (source) {

        case IContent content:

            // Disable the content app for pages that don't already have a template
            if (content.TemplateId == null) return null;

            // Disable the content app for pages that can't have a template
            if (content.ContentType.DefaultTemplate == null) return null;

            // Disable the content app for a specific content type
            if (content.ContentType.Alias == "thatContentTypeWithNoProperties") return null;

            // Default behavior
            return base.GetContentAppFor(source, userGroups);

            return base.GetContentAppFor(source, userGroups);



This example checks the IContent instance has a template, or it matches a fictious content type alias. If none of those criteria are matched, the base method is used as fallback.